
Part III - Public Rights and Duties

Article 27
Kuwaiti nationality shall be defined by law. No deprivation or withdrawal of nationality may be effected except within the limits prescribed by law.

Article 28
No Kuwaiti may be deported from Kuwait or prevented from returning thereto.

Article 29
All people are equal in human dignity, and in public rights and duties before the law, without distinction as to race, origin, language, or religion.

Article 30
Personal liberty guaranteed.

Article 31
No person shall be arrested, detained, searched, or compelled to reside in a specified place, nor shall the residence of any person or his liberty to choose his place of residence or his liberty of movement be restricted, except in accordance with the provisions of the law.

No person shall be subjected to torture or to degrading treatment.

Article 32
No crime and no penalty may be established except by virtue of law, and no penalty may be imposed except for offences committed after the relevant law has come into force.

Article 33
Penalty is personal.

Article 34
An accused person is presumed innocent until proved guilty in a legal trial at which the necessary guarantees for the exercise of the right of defense are secured.

The infliction of physical or moral injury on an accused person is prohibited.

Article 35
Freedom of belief is absolute. The State protects the freedom of practicing religion in accordance with established customs, provided that it does not conflict with public policy or morals.

Article 36
Freedom of opinion and of scientific research shall be guaranteed. Every person shall have the right to express and propagate his opinion verbally, in writing, or otherwise, in accordance with the conditions and procedures specified by law.

Article 37
Freedom of the press, printing, and publishing shall be guaranteed in accordance with the conditions and manner specified by law.

Article 38
Places of residence shall be inviolable. They may not be entered without the permission of their occupants except in the circumstances and manner specified by law.

Article 39
Freedom of communication by post, telegraph, and telephone and the secrecy thereof shall be guaranteed; accordingly, censorship of communications and disclosure of their contents shall not be permitted except in the circumstances and manner specified by law.

Article 40
Education is a right for Kuwaitis, guaranteed by the State in accordance with law and within the limits of public policy and morals. Education in its preliminary stages shall be compulsory and free in accordance with the law.

Law shall lay down the necessary plan to eliminate illiteracy.

The State shall devote particular care to the physical, moral, and mental development of youth.

Article 41
Every Kuwaiti has the right to work and to choose the type of his work.

Work is a duty of every citizen necessitated by personal dignity and public good. The State shall endeavor to make it available to citizens and to make its terms equitable.

Article 42
There shall be no forced labor except in the cases specified by law for national emergency and with just remuneration.

Article 43
Freedom to form associations and unions on a national basis and by peaceful means shall be guaranteed in accordance with the conditions and manner specified by law. No one may be compelled to join any association or union.

Article 44
Individuals shall have the right of private assembly without permission or prior notification, and the police may not attend such private meetings.

Public meetings, processions and gatherings shall be permitted in accordance with the conditions and manner specified by law, provided that their purpose and means are peaceful and not contrary to morals.

Article 45
Every individual shall have the right to address the public authorities in writing over his signature. Only duly constituted organizations and bodies corporate shall have the right to address the authorities collectively.

Article 46
Extradition of political refugees is prohibited.

Article 47
National defense is a sacred duty, and military service is an honor for citizens which shall be regulated by law.