
Part V - General and Transitional Provisions

Article 174
Either the Amir or one-third of the members of the National Assembly shall have the right to propose the revision of this Constitution by amending or deleting one or more of its provisions or by adding new provisions.

If the Amir and the majority of the members constituting the National Assembly approve the principle of revision and its subject matter, the Assembly shall debate the bill article by article. Approval by a two-thirds majority vote of the members constituting the Assembly shall be required for the bill to be passed. The revision shall come into force only after being sanctioned and promulgated by the Amir regardless of the provisions of Articles 65 and 66 of this Constitution.

If the principle of revision or its subject matter is rejected, it shall not be presented again efore the lapse of one year from the rejection.

No amendment to this Constitution may be proposed before the lapse of five years from its coming into force.

Article 175
The provisions relating to the Amiri System in Kuwait and the principles of liberty and equality, provided for in this Constitution, may not be proposed for revision except in relation to the title of the Amirate or to increase the guarantees of liberty and equality.

Article 176

The powers of the Amir, specified in this Constitution, may not be proposed for revision when a Deputy Amir is acting for him.

Article 177
The application of this Constitution shall not affect treaties and conventions previously concluded by Kuwait with other States and international organizations


Article 178
Laws shall be published in the Official Gazette within two weeks of their promulgation and shall come into force one month after their publication. The latter period may be extended or reduced for any law by a special provision included in it.

Article 179
Laws shall apply to that which takes place after the date of their coming into force, and thus shall have no effect in respect of that which has taken place before such date. However, in other than penal matters, a law may, with the approval of a majority vote of the members constituting the National Assembly, prescribe otherwise.

Article 180
All provisions of laws, regulations, decrees, orders, and decisions, in effect upon the coming of this Constitution, shall continue to be applicable unless amended or repealed in accordance with the procedure prescribed in this Constitution, provided that they are not contrary to any of its provisions.

Article 181
No provision of this Constitution may be suspended except when Martial Law is in force and within the limits specified by the law. Under no circumstances shall the meetings of the National Assembly be suspended, nor shall the immunities of its members be interfered with during such period.

Article 182
This Constitution shall be published in the Official Gazette and shall come into force on the date of the meeting of the National Assembly which shall not be later than January 1963.

Article 183
Law Number I of 1962 concerning the system of Government during the period of transition shall continue to be in force, and the present members of the Constituent Assembly shall continue in the exercise of their duties specified in the said law, until the meeting of the National Assembly.

Abdullah Al-Salim Al-Sabah

Issued at the Seif Palace on the 14th of Jumada Al-Thani, 1382, corresponding to the
11th of November, 1962